Wizardry#1 Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord capture & Information site

Wizardry#1  Basic operation

Basic operation (1) Maze and camping

On a keyboard, use ← cursor key ↑→↓ to move. The door can be opened with the K key. The wireframe in the lower right corner can be enlarged or reduced with the M key.

In the case of a pad, use the D-pad to move with ←↑→↓. You can also use the L and R buttons (horizontal movement). The door can be opened with the A button.

● You can zoom in and out of the wireframe at the bottom right with the button.

View the map.

L-Ctrl or X button

Refresh the MAP that was displayed the last time you used DUMAP.
CAMP (SHIFT button or Y
When camping, Character OPTION  (ENTER key or A button)
INSPECT Character   Displays the status of the selected character.
Items Used (1) Use Potion or scroll can be used.

(2) Equip Equip weapons and armor. Equipped items are marked with “E” (Equip).

(3) Discard Discard items. Used potions, etc.

(4) Pass Pass the specified item to another character.

Use spells If you are a spellcaster, you can use spells.
(Only spellings that you have permission to use while camping.) Mainly recovery system)
Changing Positions Specify or change the order of the selected characters in ←→.
When camping, show Party OPTION (SHIFT or Y button)
+ Add from party If there are friends nearby, it will be listed, so select them and press the ENTER key or A button.
– Remove from party The selected character will be removed from the party. Select the ENTER key or the A button.
Back to town You can choose to “stay in the Maze” or “return to town.”
If you choose “return to town,” you can leave your party in the Maze,
After the party is saved, the display switches to the town. If you wish to resume the game, you can do so by selecting the following.
Select “Maze” in the town, select “Enter the Maze” and press the ENTER key or the A button.
Select “Rejoin Out Party” and press the ENTER key or the A button.
The parties in the labyrinth will be displayed, so select the party you wish to resume, then press the ENTER key or the A button.
This is a command that you will use often, so it is useful to remember it.
Using the keyboard
In the dungeon, press the SHIFT key twice +→ key to select “return to town” and press ENTER key.
With pad
In the dungeon, press Y Button twice and → to select “return to town,” then press A Button.
In the town, select “Maze” + “Enter the Maze” + “Rejoin Out Party” + select the party.

SAVE is done automatically. You can still save by QuitGame, but once you return to town, the following will happen:
– Fixed encounter enemies will be revived.
(If the level is low, it is better to return to the town and stop the adventure (QuitGame). This is useful when you have destroyed an enemy and want to revive it.
Spells that continue to have an effect will expire.


Basic Operations (2) Combat

During the battle, select the following and confirm with the ENTER key or the A button. Do this for all six players, then press “Fight” to start the battle.


The vanguard (only the first three members of the party can be selected) will perform physical attacks with the equipment they have on hand.



Defend yourself and pass the attack. If you choose to pass the attack, you lose AC-2 and cannot do anything until the end of your turn.



Chants a spell that the character has memorized.



Use dispel to destroy an undead monster.

Only Lords, Priests, and Bishops can select this option.

The dispelled undead monster will disappear, but you will not have killed it and will not receive XP.



The L-alt key or L2 button can be used to display a monster card that shows the details of the monster that appeared,

However, at the first time, only the name of the monster is not disclosed. To disclose this information, use the “Look up Monster” function,

However, the probability is quite low, so it usually fails.

It is not that the bishop is high, but that the probability of “check the monster” itself is quite low.

Instead, the Divine Spell Tier III Latumapic (Identification) can be used for 100% disclosure.

However, it is effective only once per battle. The monster card is displayed in three different levels,

You have to use LATUMAPIC LATUMAPIC(Identification) twice against the same enemy to disclose all of them.

See below for details.

The old-school option can be used to change it. See Enemy Investigation System.

Divine Spell Tier III Latumapic LATUMAPIC(Identification).



Items can be used. Scrolls, potions, some wands, amulets, etc.



To escape. See Old School Option Escape Turn Order for specifications.


●Hide & Ambush

This option is available only when the Thief and Ninja are in the rear guard (three behind).

The surprise attack is a physical attack even in the rear guard. The damage is not doubled. See also Old School Option Hide & Ambush here.


After the battle is over,

If a treasure chest drops, determine how the treasure chest will be handled.

For details, see below.



Once you have obtained the item, give the unappraised item to the bishop, who will appraise it,

Let’s appraise the item.

(1) Select the unappraised item from the bishop’s status screen and choose Identify (appraise the item).

(2) The appraisal is completed and the item’s official name is revealed.

-If the bishop’s level is low, he may fail and touch the item. (If the item is a cursed item, it will be cursed and cannot be removed.)

-If the bishop is not available, the item can be appraised at the Boltac Exchange in town. (For a fee).

-You can equip and use items without appraising them.

-If you get used to it, you can tell which item is which just by looking at the icon, so there is no problem even if you don’t appraise the item.