Wizardry#1 Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord capture & Information site

DigitalEclipse Steam WIZARDRY #1 – Item 3 (No33-No51)

The supplementary
price is the purchase price, and when selling, it will be half the price indicated.
The drop items that come out of the box when you defeat the monster group on the lower floor are item group No. 33 to No. 51, but the theory is to treasure hunt this item in monster groups 6 and 7 that appear on the 9th floor. The drop probability is 20%-25% and one of No33-No51 will be drawn. Items that are relatively easy to obtain.

Damage notation example 1: Longsword + 2 +6 toHit 1d10 + 2 3 Attackmin is a 10-sided die (dice with numbers from 1 to 10) rolled once with a hit of +6, plus +2 to the number that comes out, and multiplied by the minimum attack number (Attackmin) value of 3. In other words, the damage area is 9-39.

Damage notation example 2: Mace +2 +4toHit 1d8+2 2Attackmin is the value of rolling an 8-sided dice (dice with numbers 1 to 8) twice with a hit of +4, adding +2 to the number that comes out, and multiplying by the minimum attack (Attackmin) value of 2. In other words, the damage area is 6-20.

Equipment Class: F-Fighter, Mage, P-Priest, T-Thief, B-Bishop, S-Samrai, L-Lord, N-Ninja

No. Item Name In game Graphic & Price Spec Indeterminate name position damage Minimum number of attacks AC Enemies to drop Equipment class remarks
33 Dragon Slayer *SWORD* weapon 2-11 1 Monster Group 5-10 F—-SLN Weaker than Longsowrd+1, but 2x damage and defense against dragons.
2-11 on one attack.
34 Helm +1 *HELM* helmet -2 Monster Group 5-10 F—-SLN Good,Neutral近接最強兜。
35 Leather Armor -1 *ARMOR* armor -1 Monster Group 5-10 F-PTBSLN Cursed items.
36 Chain mail -1 *ARMOR* armor -2 Monster Group 5-10 F-P–SLN Cursed items.
37 Breastplate -1 *ARMOR* armor -3 Monster Group 5-10 F-P–SLN Cursed items.
38 Shield -1 *SHIELD* armor +1 Monster Group 5-10 F-PT-SLN Cursed items.
39 Jewled Amulet
other Monster Group 5-10 FMPTBSLN An amulet that can be used with DUMAPIC. It is convenient to have one because it does not break. Note that it cannot be used unless it is equipped.
40 Scroll of BADIOS *SCROLL* scroll Monster Group 2-8 FMPTBSLN YOU CAN USE BADIOS ONCE. For some reason, this is treated as a higher item than No. 27.
41 Potion of SOPIC
potion Monster Group 5-10 FMPTBSLN I don’t really use it.
42 LongSword + 2 *SWORD* weapon 3-13 3 Monster Group 5-10 F—-SLN For some reason, it’s cheaper than +1, but it does 9-39 damage with 3 melee attacks
43 Shortsword +2 *SWORD* weapon 3-8 3 Monster Group 5-10 F–T-SLN For some reason, it’s cheaper than +1, but it’s a must-have Thief melee equipment.
9-24 damage in 3 attacks.
44 Mace + 2 *MACE* weapon 3-10 2 Monster Group 5-10 F-P-BSLN For some reason, it’s cheaper than +1, and since it’s a two-time attack, it’s not much different from +1. For Priest proximity.
6-20 damage in 2 attacks.
45 Scroll of LOMILWA *SCROLL* scroll Monster Group 5-10 FMPTBSLN You can use LOMILWA once. It disappears when you enter the dark zone, so it is convenient to have it when filling the MAP
46 Scroll of DILTO *SCROLL* scroll Monster Group 5-10 FMPTBSLN You can use DILTO 1 time. It is good to use it in the event of a surprise attack.
47 Copper Gloves *GAUNTLETS* Gauntlets -1 Store-Selling Item Monster
Group 5-10
F—-SLN By the time it drops, it will be equipped.
48 Leather Armor + 2 *ARMOR* armor -4 Monster Group 5-10 F-PTBSLN Thief melee mandatory equipment.
49 Chain Mail + 2 *ARMOR* armor -5 Monster Group 5-10 F-P–SLN Thief and Bishop can’t wear it, so it’s unnecessary
50 Plate Mail + 2
armor -7 Monster Group 5-10 F-P–SLN Essential equipment for warriors. For some reason, Priest can also wear it.
51 Shield + 2 *SHIELD* shield -5 Monster Group 5-10 F-PT-SLN Since it is Apple II version compliant, drop it. It was an item that did not drop in the old PC version.
It’s relatively easy to get out, so you want to get it for the number of people who equip it.