Wizardry#1 Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord capture & Information site

Wizardry#1 Monster Group 2 

It is an opponent that you do not need to fight except when you go down to the second floor to get the GOLD KEY. You don’t even have to go down to the third floor.

Item drop establishment
20% for item1 (No01-No16). item1.
10% for item2 (No17-No32). item2.
but the probability is low, so it is useless to stay long.
Name: Level 1 Mage
Group Size: 1
XP  (party of 6): 79
Class: Arcane
Ac: 4
HP: 2-5
Resist: None
Extra Action: Escape,
Tier 1 Arcane Spell
– Traits – 1Attack Count.
appears on the 2nd floor.
There’s only one, so take them down with a melee attack.
Name: Level 1 Priest
Group Size: 2-5
XP  (party of 6): 85
Class: Holy
Ac: 5
HP: 1-8
Resist: None
Extra Action: Escape
Tier 1 Divine Spell
– Traits – 1Attack Count.
appears on the 2nd floor.
There are a lot of them,
so let’s block the movement with KATINO and MONTINO before defeating them.
Name: Creeping Coin?
Group Size: 6-7
XP  (party of 6): 153
Class: Elemental
Ac: 4
HP: 1
Resist: None
Extra Action:
Drain Breath 0 Damage
Companion- Traits – 1Attack Count.
Appears on the 2nd and 3rd floors. The rate of occurrence is quite low.
Breath does 0 damage.
A bonus monster with 0 attack power and a lot of XP.
The group size is 9, but
there is a 1-3 party of 6 animals appearing on the 2nd floor, and
a 1-3 party of 7 animals appearing on the 3rd floor.
This enemy does not drop equipment.
Name : Level 1 Ninja
Group size : 2-8
XP  (party of 6): 100
Class : Melee
Ac: 5
HP: 4-10
Resist: none
Extra actions: none
Special Traits: Instant Kill
– Traits – 3Attack Count.
Appears on floors 2-4.
Large numbers. Have instant death; use MAHALITO to wipe them out.
Name : Vorpal Bunny
Group size : 4-8
XP  (party of 6): 122
Class : Beast
Ac: 6
HP: 5-20
Resist: cold/sleep
Extra action: escape
Special Traits: Instant Kill
– Traits – 2Attack Count.
Appears extensively on floors 2-6.They have instant death and a high activation rate.
They are numerous and sleep-resistant,
so use MMAHALITO + proximity to defeat them.
Note that the instant-kill rate is high.
Name : Capybara
Group size : 3-9
XP  (party of 6): 86
Class : Beast
Ac: 8
HP: 4-16
Resist: sleep
Extra action: escape
Special Traits: Poison
– Traits – 1Attack Count.
Appears on floors 2-3. Possesses poison.
Low XP, so no need to fight.
Name: giant toad.
Group size : 6-8
XP  (party of 6): 132
Class : Beast
Ac: 7
HP: 5-20
Resist: fire/sleep
Extra Action: escape
Special Traits: Poison
– Traits – 3Attack Count.
Appears on the 3rd floor. Poison-carrying.
They are numerous and have fire/sleep resistance.
They spread poison, so it is better not to fight them,
If you want to defeat them, don’t take too long and wipe them out with a DALTO.
Name: coyote
Group size: 4-8
XP  (party of 6): 130
Class: Beast
Ac: 8
HP: 4-24
Resist: sleep
Extra action: escape
Special feats: none.
– Traits – 1Attack Count.
Appears on floors 3-4.
No special moves, so easy to defeat, but sleep-resistant.
Name: level 3 Priest
Group size : 5-7
XP  (party of 6): 165
Class: Holy
Ac: 4
HP: 4-25
Resist: none
Extra Action:
Tier 2 Divine Spell / Escape
Special Traits: poison
– Traits – 1Attack Count.
Appears on the third floor. For some reason, they also have poison.
There are many of them,
so use KATINO and MONTINO to block their movements before defeating them.
名Name: level 3 Samurai
Group size : 4-8
XP  (party of 6): 132
Class : Melee
Ac: 5
HP: 7-22
Resist: sleep
Extra Action:
Level 1 Arcane Spell / Escape
Special Move: Poison
– Trait – 3 attack times
Appears on the 3rd floor.
They are numerous and sleep-resistant,
so use MAHALITO + melee attacks to defeat them.
May be encountered as an escort for Creeping Coins.

DropItems GuardianTreasure Chest TYPE L