Wizardry#1 Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord capture & Information site

Wizardry#1 Monster Group 4 
It is an enemy that mainly appears on the 5th floor, but also appears on the 4th floor. This one has a better +1 drop, so you’ll want to kill it when it appears, but it has more HP overall than Group 3.
Item drop establishment
40% for item1 (No01-No16).  item1.
20% for item2 (No17-No32). item2.
Name: Swordsman
Group Size: 1-6
XP  (party of 6): 160
Class: Melee
Ac: 3
HP: 3-30
Resist: None
Extra Action: None
– Traits – 1Attack Count.
0ppears on the 4-5th floor.
AC is low, so use DILTO to raise the AC and KATINO to lay them down.
Name: Huge Spider
Group Size: 1-8
XP  (party of 6): 100
Class: Insect
Ac: 6
HP: 4-18
Resist: None
Extra Action: None
Special Traits: Poison
– Traits – 1Attack Count.
Appears on the 4th and 5th floors. Poisonous spider No. 2.
There is no difference from No. 25.
This one is better for item drops, so it is recommended to kill them.
If there are too many, wipe them out with MAHALITO.
Name: Attack Dog
Group Size: 1-6
XP  (party of 6): 186
Beast Ac: 1
HP: 4-32
Resist: None
Extra Action: Escape
– Traits – 1Attack Count.
appear on the 4th-5th floor.AC is low,
so use DILTO to raise the AC and KATINO to lay them down.
Name : Gargoyle
Group size : 1-6
XP  (party of 6): 405
Class: Elemental
Ac: 5
HP: 8-36
Resist: 50% complete resistance to sleep/magic
Extra actions: none
Special Moves: none
– Traits – 4Attack Count.
Appears on floors 4-5.
High XP. Magic is not effective,
Use DILTO to raise AC and use melee attacks to defeat them.
Name : Glave Mist
Group size : 1-6
XP  (party of 6): 180
Class : Undead
Ac: 4
HP: 4-32
Resist: sleep
Extra Action: none
Special Traits: Paralysis
– Traits – 3Attack Count.
Appears on floors 4-5. Note that a high probability of paralysis occurs when attacked.
Dispelling is recommended as there are many of them.
Name : Dragon Puppy
Group size : 1-6
XP  (party of 6): 380
Ac: 4
HP: 5-50
Resist: sleep
Extra Action:
Cold Breath 1-10 damage
Special Move: None.
– Traits – 1Attack Count.
Appears on floors 4-5.
Strong enemy. If taken by surprise, be prepared to be wiped out; they have a lot of HP and sleep is difficult to resist.
Can barely be destroyed with two LAHALITO shots.
Name : WereWolf
Group size : 1-6
XP  (party of 6): 125
Class : Lycanthrope
Ac: 5
HP: 7-35
Resist: sleep
Extra actions: none
– Traits – 2Attack Count.
Appears on floors 4-5. Wolf Beastmen.
Resistant to sleep, but has no special techniques,
Relatively easy to defeat.
Name : Shade
Group size : 1-6
XP  (party of 6): 145
Class : Undead
Ac: 7
HP: 6-27
Resist: sleep
Extra Action: none
Special Traits: 1-level drain
– Traits – 1Attack Count.
Appears on floors 4-5.
Not strong, but has 1-level drain, so dispel it.
Name : Bishop
Group size : 1-6
XP  (party of 6): 189
Class : Holy
Ac: 4
HP: 4-32
Resist: none
Extra Action:
Tier 1 Arcane Spell
Tier 3 Divine Spell.
– Traits – 1Attack Count.
Appears on floors 4-5. Not strong,
MONTINO will block your magic and gradually reduce it.
Use MONTINO to counter them.
Name : Minor Daimyo
Group size : 1-6
XP  (party of 6): 200
Class : Proximity
Ac: 2
HP: 4-40
Resist: none
Extra actions: none
– Traits – 1Attack Count.
Appears on floors 4-5; low AC but no special technique or magic resistance,
Use KATINO to put them to sleep and defeat them.

DropItems GuardianTreasure Chest TYPE N