Wizardry#1 Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord capture & Information site


 Wizardry#1 Old-School Options


Setting proper nouns (Japanese version only)
Item name Adopts the Japanese item name used in the Japanese 1 console game console. (e.g. Sword of the Ripper)
Japanese 2 Uses Japanese translation of the item name of the old PC version. (e.g. Longsword +1)
If the system is Japanese and the item name is English, the item name in the Apple II version is adopted. (e.g. LONGSWORD+1))
Monster name Japanese (katakana)
Spell name Adopt the Japanese spell name used in the Japanese 1 console game console. (e.g. Malouru)
Adopted the Japanese literal translation of the spell name of the Japanese 2 old PC version. (e.g. Maller)
* If you have feelings for the console version, “Japanese 1”,
For others, we recommend “Japanese 2”, which is a literal translation of the Japanese version of the global version.
Character Options
Attribute Point
at Start RANDOM ROLL” Random When creating a character, the attribute point that shakes the status is random and can be re-swung with the L-CTRL key or X button.
“SET POINT” Default value When creating a character, the attribute point that assigns the status becomes a fixed value. (Original setting)
* “RANDOM ROLL” is recommended.
Attribute Point Increase Specification When Leveling Up
“RANDOM CHANCE” Random When leveling up, your stats will increase or decrease randomly, either +1 or -1. (Original setting)
“POINT BUY” Select When leveling up, you will receive +1 to +3 points for attribute points that roll your status, and you can swing to any status you want.
* Either is fine. If you start with RANDOM and get low on a certain stat, you can also switch to POINT to overcome your weaknesses.
You can also make it a POINT from the beginning and raise the main stats at once.
Character’s age notation
“AGE” Age Age. (Original setting)
“VIM” Vitality Percentage notation (100% displayed at age 18 years old in stamina notation. At the age of 19, it becomes 99% and gradually decreases.
* Since it is a difference in display, there is no advantage or disadvantage no matter which one you choose. Be careful not to stay at an inn carelessly.
Castle options
Inns Options
“ORIGINAL” Original inn option. You can choose from stables to royal suites.
“EXPANDED” Remake option for the inn. There is no indication of choice.
* Since it is a difference on the display, there is no advantage or disadvantage no matter which one you choose. For more information, see Inns in the Town Guide.
The age/VIM notation above is also related to the notation of the inn.
The temple option
“ORIGINAL” allows you to cure status ailments other than Original Lost and Level Drain with money. (Original setting)
“EXPANDED” Remake can cure level drains.
* “EXPANDED” is recommended. You can free yourself from the conventional theory of resetting when you receive a level drain. For more information, see the temple in the Town Guide.
Tavern Options Character Recruit
“DISABLED” Disabled NPCs do not appear. (Original setting)
“ENABLE” Enabled NPCs near the same level as the characters you have raised so far can be hired at the tavern. (The job class appears regardless.)
* “ENABLE” is recommended. Until you get used to it, you may die or be wiped out, so ENABLE is recommended. For details, please refer to the tavern in the Town Guide.
Labyrinth option
Avient Map
“DISABLE” Disabled MAP cannot be displayed. (Original setting)
“ENABLE” Enables MAP to be displayed. (The MAP from the last time DUMAPIC was used is displayed.) However, the hidden door is hidden. *
“ENABLE” is recommended.
“DISABLED” Disabled Only the display of coordinates when using DUMAPIC. (Original setting)
“ENABLE” Enabled When you use DUMAPIC, the map of the labyrinth that you have traversed so far is displayed.
* “ENABLE” is recommended.
Hint display
“DISABLED” Hints are hidden. (Original setting)
“ENABLE” Enabled Speak Tips. Here’s what the character says:
When a treasure chest appears, Thief F and Ninja say the following line:
When an indeterminate item appears, the bishop says the following line:
There are many more.
*DISABLED” is recommended for those who know the specifications of our game.
Bad things happen when a party is wiped (left in an abnormal state) in a dungeon.
DISABLED – Disabled – Left alone, but still intact.
ENABLE” Enabled Death, ashing, loss of equipment, money, etc. (Original setting)
*DISABLED” is recommended.
Can cast magic during a surprise attack.
DISABLED: Disabled Magic/breath cannot be used during a preemptive attack, regardless of whether the attacker is a friend or foe.
ENABLE: Allows magic/breath to be cast during the first attack, regardless of friend or foe.
*DISABLED” is strongly recommended; ENABLE Easily wiped out.
Action Options
Hide & Ambush
‘DISABLED’ Disabled Shifu and Ninja cannot perform hide/ambush. (Original setting)
*ENABLE” Enabled Sif and Ninja can hide/ambush.

Enemy Research System
ROLL PER COMBAT” Every time an enemy is encountered, the name and properties of the enemy can be confirmed by using LATUMAPIC (LATUMAPIC).
 (LATUMAPIC was designed to be used once and continue until returning to the town, but the system has been changed to use it each time.)
When you encounter an enemy, if the enemy has been successfully appraised in the past, it is already appraised.
 For details of the enemy appraisal system, see Divine Magic’s Tier 3 LATUMAPIC.
*It is necessary to fight several times, but once the enemy information is disclosed, “INSPECT ENEMY” is recommended, as it will be permanently appraised.

Redirection of Action
“DISABLED” Disabled For example, if three fighters are designated to attack the same single enemy and the first fighter kills the enemy, the remaining two will wait. (Original setting)
ENABLE” Enabled For example, if three fighters attack the same one enemy and the first fighter kills the enemy, the remaining two fighters attack other enemies.
*ENABLE” is recommended.
Turn Order for Escape
DISABLED After encountering an enemy, each party member has an escape command, and if one of them succeeds in escaping, the battle is canceled.
ENABLE” Enabled After an encounter with an enemy, each member of the party has an escape command, and if one of them succeeds in escaping, the battle is canceled. (Both the escape command and the execution of the escape command are performed only once.) (Both the escape command and the execution of the escape command are performed only once. (Original setting)
*DISABLED” is recommended, although it may not be used very often.


*Either is fine, as the 6th-7th-8th floors are areas you do not need to go to. However, it cannot be changed.