Wizardry#1 Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord capture & Information site

Wizardry#1 Boltac’s Trading Post – Boltac Trading Post is an exchange in Boltac. A place to buy and sell items, lift curses, and appraise items.

●BUY ITEM Purchase of items.
Items that can be purchased In addition to the items
for sale, some high-end items can also be purchased from the beginning. You will need it when you capture the 4th floor.
・LeatherArmor+1 1500Gold AC-3 Armor F-PTBSLN
・Shield+1 1500Gold AC-4 Shield F-PT-SLN
・BrestPlate+1 1500Gold AC-5 Armor F-PT-SLN
Copper Gloves 6000 Gold AC-1 Gauntlets F—-SLN
● SELL ITEM Sale of items. Sold items will be placed on the purchase list at double the price.
● REMOVE CURSED ITEM Cursed items (cursed items) are lifted.
If you equip an item with a name such as -1, -2, or CURSED, you will not be able to remove it.
Pay gold here to break the curse. The reasons for lifting the curse are as follows.
– If you are cursed, you will not be able to remove your equipment.
– Cursed weapons have low performance.
– Cursed armor hardly lowers the AC.
– Depending on the equipment, some items may be poisoned.
Curses caused by attribute mismatches can also be lifted. For example, equipping the Good attribute exclusively for the Evil attribute.
The higher the cursed item, the higher the price of the spell break.
* Items that have been lifted will disappear.
● IDENTIFY ITEM Identify an indeterminate item picked up in a dungeon. Class: Bishop can appraise items, but you can do it here for gold.