Wizardry#1 Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord capture & Information site

Resistance: Each
enemy has its own resistance. Resistance means that the spell or attack
you use will no longer be effective against the enemy.
The details of each resistance are as follows:





Level Drain



Spelling Immunity




The effect of attenuating magic damage.

An effect that attenuates fire damage.

An effect that attenuates cold damage.

Poison attribute damage attenuation.

Drain damage attenuation.

Petri elemental damage attenuation.

Not only sleep, but also resistance to magical attributes that block movement.

Completely resistant to magic.
Spell immunity is expressed as a percentage.
This is the probability that if you cast a spell on a creature,
the spell will not work at all.


Every enemy has a basic attack.
In addition, many enemies can perform different actions instead of normal attacks, which
are detailed below:





Can Free

Call for Help


Many enemies have different types of breath attacks. 5 attributes in total. In #1, only damage and no special effects.
Fire, Cold, Poison, Level Drain, Petrification. Used by the Dragon Tribe. Special individuals of the Phantom and Demon tribes are also used.

This ability is the highest tier of Arcane spells that enemies can cast. Written in the range of 1 to 7.

This ability is the highest tier of Divine Spells that enemies can cast. Written in the range of 1 to 7.

Enemies can retreat during battle. It is mainly used by the Rogue and Beast tribes.

The enemy can call for reinforcements during the battle. (You can increase the number by calling friends.) There are many types, so I won’t go into details. It is mainly used by the Beast and Demon tribes.



SpecialTraits –
Many enemies have a variety of traits that make them particularly deadly or tough. The following is a list of special characteristics of the enemy.
Make combat more difficult:
This trait includes the number of HP that an enemy can recover in a single round. It ranges from 1 to 5, so you don’t have to worry about it.
You can’t do anything during petrify. You can petrify your character with your attacks. This state is more likely to be trapped than attacked by enemies.
Every time a poisoned character acts, HP is -1. You can poison your character with your attacks. There are many types, so I won’t go into details. It is mainly used by the Beast Tribe.
You can’t do anything during paralyzing. You can paralyze a character with an attack. There are many types, so I won’t go into details. It is mainly used by the Beast Tribe and the Undead Tribe.
Even if you take damage and have HP left, you will be in a dead state. Instant kill notation. It is also known as a critical hit. The attack is a decapitation attack that can kill the character instantly. There are many types, so
I won’t go into details. It is mainly used by melee ninja-type enemies.

Level Drain
It is also called energy drain. This attack absorbs the level that the character has gained. It is mainly used by the undead tribe. (The level goes down.) It is activated by the enemy’s physical attack and is level absorbed. In #1 there are levels 1 to 4. )