Wizardry#1 Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord capture & Information site

Wizardry#1 How to open the treasure chest 

●Inspect Chest
Have one of the players investigate the traps in the treasure chest.
Divine Spell Deer 2 CALFO (True Sight) with a 95% success rate.
Thief has a success rate of around 80%.
Ninja has a success rate of around 70%.
In other classes, it is extremely low at around 20%.
(The success rate changes depending on the character’s status.) )
When executed, the name of the investigated trap will be displayed in the investigated character.
This character is a ninja, and according to the character’s appearance, there is a 73% chance that the “Anti-Priest” will be set up.
● Disarm Chest: Attempt to unlock the trap that has been set. Select this after running Inspect.
Next, select a trap. If it has already been investigated, only the traps found in the investigation are displayed.
If you have several different characters investigate, you may see more than one, so choose the one with the higher success rate.
If selected, it will attempt to deactivate. In the case of this Theif/ninja, the unlock rate is 95%.
If you succeed, the treasure chest will open and you will be able to retrieve the items inside.
If you fail, a trap will be triggered and a treasure chest will open to retrieve what is inside.
●Open Chest Treasure Chest.
Do nothing, open it. If a trap is set, it will be activated 100%.
– Cast CALFO Divine Spell Deer 2 CALFO (True Sight).
It is a spell that can be used by Priest/Lord/Bishop, and since it is tier 2, it can be used from the beginning of the game.
It has a 95% success rate compared to Thief’s investigation, but it only investigates and does not unlock it.
●Abandon Chest Abandon the box. Displayed by the Z key. If selected, the treasure chest will disappear without opening.
TrapName Effect Spec
ALARM Enemies reappear. Enemies reappear randomly at each level. Note that if an enemy from a different monster group appears and is defeated than the first defeated enemy, the item will be switched to the one defeated later.
ANTI-MAGE Classes that can use Arcane magic will be paralyzed or petrified. Not only mages, but also samurai and bishops are eligible. The name of the game is “MAGE BLASTER” on other machines.
ANTI-PRIEST Classes that can use Divine magic are paralyzed or petrified. Not only Priests, but also Lords and Bishops are eligible. In other models, it is called PRIEST BLASTER.Note that you will be forced to interrupt your adventure.
BLADES Ranged heavy damage from blades Apple II version only. (It was removed from the old PC version and later models. (It may be because it is covered by the “EXPLODING BOX.)
CROSSBOW BOLT Stone bow and arrow. The person who opens the box takes heavy damage. The sheaf is prone to instant death, with damage ranging from 20 to 80.
EXPLODING BOX Large-range damage from explosions. All party members take around 20 damage on the 4th floor, and all party members take around 50-80 damage on the 10th floor. Same for Blaze and Splinters.
GAS BOMB Poison gas bomb. Party members are poisoned. Even if you have MaceProPoison or Shuriken equipped, you will still get poisoned.
POISON NEEDLE Poison needle. The person who opens the box is poisoned. Traps likely to be set early and late in the game.
SPLINTERS Ranged heavy damage from debris. AppleII version only. (Removed from the old PC version and later models. (This may be due to the fact that it is covered by the “EXPLODING BOX”.)
STUNNER The person who opens the box becomes paralysed. If you can use DIALKO, it is not so much of a threat.
TELEPORTER Sent to another location on the same floor. On the 8th and 10th floors, you may be sent to a rock and LOST (character deletion).

In the old PC and AppleII versions, it was necessary to type the English name of the trap word for word to unlock it. If you play the old AppleII or PC version, your English typing skills are required.